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AbsoluteZero :: Shaiya Teos Guild

AbsoluteZero :: Shaiya Teos Guild - Registration Agreement Terms

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- No KSing , if you think you got ksed, or cant find a spot to train, ask to be in there party, they have right to refuse, and that doesn't mean its personal, sometimes people don't like to party and thats just it, dont make anymore out of it then it is. And Never Kill steal guild!!

- No insulting or bad mouthing AbsoluteZero or its members on trade chat/guild chat/common chat. If you got something against someone, either talk to them and sort it out if that doesnt work, talk to a officer or Ruth, if even that doesnt help keep it to yourself, but under no circumstances you will belittle your own guild member on guild chat or trade chat. You all make this guild, if you cant behave amongst yourself, then how are we to keep working together as a guild?

- No Whinning and crying for power lvling in guild chat. Everyone plays this game for fun, and beleive me, power lvling is NOT fun. If someone is ofering to plvl you then its between him and you but in no way he is obliged to continue or owe to help you just cuz you are guildie. You find group, you make parties, you make friends in and outside guild, thats what MMORPGS are about, some people are party person some or not, everyone should respect each others space.

- Under no circumstances, guild member can take free/cheap items from guildes/officers and sell them outside guild for profit. Only exception to this is, if person that sold/gave you that item, approves to it. Which would mean he is letting you take advantage of him and that's none of our business, we all have our reasons sometimes.

- If you get any Legends(fury)/Elemntal Lapis/Limiteds, you have to ask officer if any guild member can use them. We have lots of HM members who will need gear, despite of all the farming we do for guild, its not enough for everyone's need, so be patient, we want you to have what you need cuz it will get guild stronger. If in a party a officer asks you for a drop for guild, you should give it to them, for greater good :)

- This one is getting important at this point, its more to do with Guild reputation and how guild members conduct in public like Forums/Common chat etc. In general we expect our members to behave matured and responsibly, every action you make with that guild tag, can have a adverse effect on others. Also when you post something on forums, like screen shots, you leave out personal guild chat, that has nothing to do with your topic.

P.S. When you are an AbsoluteZero member, that mean that you ACCEPT those rules and you will be obeying them